Gofferttoernooi 2024
17th, 18th & 19th of may
De Goffert, Goffertweg 22, 6532 AA Nijmegen
The 50 meter pool and the grounds around it.
The small pools remain accessible for visitors.
Toilets, warm douches, lockers and catering available.
Friday: camping opens around 19:00 and pre-drinks start at 20:00.
Saturday: first match-day, BBQ in the evening and an awesome party afterwards.
Sunday: second match-day and award ceremony.
Sleep accommodations
It is possible to sleep on-site in your own tent from Friday 17th of May 19h up until Sunday 19th of May 15h.
Cars, campers and trailers are not allowed on the grounds.
We order our meat from the butcher. There are also vegetarian options!
Please give us an indication of the number of people that will join the BBQ when registering.
Referees have the oppertunity to join this BBQ for free! If this sounds good to you, make sure to send an email to for more information.
A limited number of additional coupons can be bought on Saturday.
The barbecue will cost €15,- per person.
The registration costs are €125,- plus a deposit of €50,-. This needs to be transferred before the 11th of May 2024. Please contact the commission to indicate that you will be paying during the weekend. You can find further information and the registration form at this link.